Buying Business Software for the Long Term

Buying software in the digital age is a double-edged sword. The more options there are – and the number of options is multiplying constantly – the more essential it becomes to approach the buying with strategies that keep you focused on long-term success and return on investment. Procuring software may not seem like an especially complicated process – whichever solution most adequately solves the set of issues you have seems like the obvious winner. But the further you hope to extend the solution into the future, ensuring it’s solving problems for years to come, the more complex the process becomes. We find that most organizations have a strong understanding of their current, day-to-day problems and pain points. It is looking to the future that gets tricky. What problems might arise in five months? In five years? As software is a long-term investment, it is important that businesses approach the procurement process with a clear vision of themselves and what they are trying to achieve in the long term.
Investing in a software solution that cannot grow or extend beyond its initial capabilities presents almost as many challenges as not having any software at all.Procurement is too often focused on solving problems that exist today and not driving outcomes tomorrow. This results in the selection of solutions that meet an immediate need but become cumbersome and outmoded as the years pass and needs change. In this eBook, Sage Intacct and Kimble Applications lay out surefire strategies for finding software solutions that will deliver business outcomes for the long-term. Each page tackles a step in the software procurement journey.