
2019: The Year in Review Cyber Threats & Trends Report

A few years ago, large DDoS attacks were all the hype. Size was everything!Today, the trend is targeted, surgical DDoS attacks. By launching lower volume attacks, bad actors hope that security teams think they’re experiencing anomalies and overlook the danger right before their eyes.Bad news, attackers: We’€™ve noticed!At Neustar, we know how to identify these stealth attacks and mitigate them effectively. We want you to know how, too.

View our new report to learn:

Why smaller-volume attacks have become more prevalent and more dangerous
How botnets and web application attacks have changed the DDoS landscape
Where to apply threat data to better identify malicious traffic
Why network protocol attacks are on the rise
What you don't see today can hurt you tomorrow.

Get the report now!

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